EDEN CN现阶段完全靠社区内的志愿者们为爱发电。不少没有时间参与筹备的小伙伴,表示希望能以捐助的形式协助社区。我们非常感激大家愿意为共同目标而贡献一份力量,现正式开放捐助渠道。

   **请直接转帐至此EOS账户  edenoperator  ,并在 memo 处备注 donate** 


If you want to make a donation or facilitate someone else making a donation to the Eden Community and/or simply to the Fractal Governance effort, EOS can be sent to the Eden community’s treasury by executing a standard EOS transaction to the edenoperator account with a memo that says exactly and onlydonate” (no quotes).

This memo is critical for the contract to recognize the transfer as a donation. We really appreciate your generosity and support in making Fractal Governance a reality.

NOTE: Please don't send tokens to edenoperator without a "donate" memo. 🙏