<aside> 💡 基于WEB 3.0的精神,所有任务社区成员皆可以在报名后,通过接取并完成任务,获得奖励。

分组依据:任务类目 排序依据:按任务发布时间顺序排列

申请:加入EDAO申请表】 ****EDAO为登记制,不设门槛,填写并提交申请表后即可开始接取任务。如有疑问,请移步DISCORD-EDAO 交流】

共识公示: EDAO积分奖励发放公示


💡 捐赠地址

EOS Address:edaodonation

若您有意支持 EDAO ,欢迎向上面的地址捐赠任意币种。所有捐赠将被用于运营与开发 EDAO 的去中心化DAPP。

If you want to make a donation to EDAO, EOS can be sent to the treasury by executing a standard EOS transaction to the edaodonation account with a memo that says exactly and onlydonate” (no quotes).


<aside> 💡 Based on the WEB 3.0 principle, everyone can earn rewards by taking and completing tasks after registering as an EDAO member. Group by: Task Category Sort by: Post Time

Submit:【EDAO member Application Form】 ****EDAO is open to everyone without any eligibility requirements. Submit the application form then you can start taking tasks and earn your rewards. If you have any questions, please contact us DISCORD-EDAO FreeChat】


任务板丨Task Board


